Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Always With Me

I am finally calm enough to write something for/about John. It has taken me over a week - after reading about the accident involving John and his friend last May, 4 months ago. I came upon the news purely by chance while browsing the web. I was in utter shock as I read the details...and shaken to the core for many days.

I was a patient of John Austin’s, while a teenager in the early 70’s. He was a young resident at Highland Hospital. To put it plainly, and to spare the details, I will say that through his brilliance as a physican, he saved my life. While in the hospital, he was as much my doctor as a very special person and friend. It was a critical time in my life.

I moved away from CA, and we corresponded occasionally, writing letters, for several years. Over time...my parents and a portion of my family that lived in California...got to know him a bit, and share the fondness I had for him. He had a very big heart, as everyone on this site has acknowledged. I never knew him in later life, except one visit when I went to CA in the mid-70’s. I didn’t know of all his interests, his personal or professional life, but none of it surprises me. It is how I would have imagined him to be. He was inspirational at a difficult time in my life, and through his friendship and genius as a doctor, and kindness as a person, I continued on with my life...never forgetting him...

The twinkle in his eye and smile, that so many have mentioned, were the first thing I noticed about him - and I believe it was his love of Life. All life, all good things. I have always had him in my heart and mind, and always will. I always hoped I would see him again.

Interestingly, the day I read about this, my husband and I got involved with an organization here in Boston that helps house (out of state) families when sick members are in town for special medical treatments in our great hospitals. I like to think about John in this new & special connection. I won’t say goodbye (to him), because he never left me. But I do send my deepest condolences to his family and friends that had him in their lives. I cried for all of us...but also know of the gifts he left us with.
